Via Dolorosa of international payments
This is a long story but bare with me, I guarantee it's worth it! I do international B2B sales and I sold a device we manufacture in Finland to a customer an hour west from Charlotte. I flew in and spent three days on giving the user training of the analytical device to my customer. This was my first trip ever to US and as a biker I usually go after work and buy a dealer-tee and a poker chip from a local Harley -dealer. So, there I was at Speedway HD on the evening of Tuesday the 4th of June, and so the story begins. As I am a typical male, I'm not at my best when buying the rag stuff but I always have managed to find the perfect ones for me from Harley stores, so I guess I'm not a totally lost cause. I found my teeshirt and another shirt for me and with cold sweat and shaky hands I started the search for a perfect dealer-tee for my dearly belowed wife. I was propably looking worse than a deer in headlights, when Keeley saw me desperately bouncing around the shop trying to find a perfect tee for my wife, who by the way also happens to be a biker and as such deserves the same souvenir as what I have. After a moment of pondering through the available choices, she asked me to follow her at the back in a storage room, where she dug out a newcoming ladies tee which is perfect! I felt the reliefe flowing through my body like a warm feeling after a good long sip of a quality bourbon. At the counter as Alise was cashing me, Keeley brought me a special gift tee as well!!! What a service!!! Best service what i ever have had when buying clothes, so if you ask from me, just shuttafeckupand take yer money there already! * * * * * Well, the story continues. Then I went to the parts desk where Branimal and Jake helped me out, as I asked 2 things from them; a solo seat for my FLHX or a larger gas tank for my Mrs's Sportie. As we soon figured out with Branimal, the tank was a no-go, but Jake found me a perfect 2nd hand seat from one of their customers and after calling the gentleman Jake got me a price for the seat too. As expected, I was appealed on the price and the product so I agreed to buy the seat and that as I'm flying back to Europe on Friday, I agreed to pick it pick it up on Thursday the 6th and pay cash, which is what I did. Or as I later realized that cash part was a promise which other operatives did their best trying to cancel. So, then the Thursday morning came, and on my way to Speedway HD this morning I tried to pick up cash from 3 different ATM's. I tried to withdraw cash with both VISA and AMEX and the answer was on every time on both cards: Inappropriate transaction. I ended up calling to both VISA and AMEX customer service with no help, none whatsoever. VISA told me that the pin is wrong (which it isn't) and AMEX from US told me to call to Finnish customer service which is open 24H, which it isn't. Thanks to the 7h difference in timezones the Finnish AMEX customer service was already closed and I ended up using a lot of very vreative cusswords with the answering machine. My feedback to both of these companies would've been widely censored due explicit language, and though the worst pressure has been releaved, I'm not done with you yet... So, I went back to the Speedway HD and started to ponder with Jake what to do and how to proceed. We tried everything from PayPal to Western Union and i ended up downloading 3 different apps on my phone, but every time the money transfer was banned for what ever reasons. Finally I gave up and started to fall to the grim depths of despair fo not being able to buy the seat. As Jake saw me starting to plan my own funeral over it, he brought me a cold beer which helped to balm my wounds and helped me just to accept the defeat. Mike from sales also saw me sobbing as I was sipping my beer and as I explained with Jake what has happened and why, Mike asked if it would be possible to go and buy a prepaid VISA from somewhere. Which in just about 8,872 seconds led to the idea of me buying a gift card for the gentleman selling the seat. Jake called him and he was happy about the solution! So, I ended up paying the purchase with my AMEX and all went well! I ended up holding a dusty, dirty cardboard box sealed with a lot of freight tape with a sobby, silly smile on my face, like the box would've been a newborn baby. I've done both customer service, sales on my younger years and lately international B2B-sales and I'm a person who always goes for the extra mile to solve a problem if it can be solved. When it comes to Jake, I'd say he does exactly that and even more and to Aimee I'd like to say; Jake deserves a rise. All the staff I met and was dealing with, hold on to these people! What a teamwork, what a team! (Employee: Alise Vallee, Brann Hackett, Keeley Johnson, Jake Klein, Mike Diaz)
Jere Jokinen
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